Friday, January 8, 2010

UPSC notification

Posted: 06 Jan 2010 06:03 AM PST

Public Service Commission Himachal Pradesh | Application Form Specimen

Public Sevice Commission Himachal Pradesh has announced the notification for entrance exam 2010. The Application forms for HPPSC are available at post offices. See application form specimen here.

HPPSC Form Outer Envelop
HPPSC Form Outer Envelop

Application Form Side 1
HPPSC Form Side 1

HPPSC Form Side 2
HPPSC Form Side 2

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Posted: 06 Jan 2010 05:41 AM PST

Public Service Commission Uttar Pradesh | Application Form Specimen

Public Sevice Commission Uttar Pradesh has announced the notification for entrance exam 2010. The Application forms for UPPSC are available at post offices. See application form specimen here.

UPPSC Form Outer Envelop
UPPSC Form Outer Envelop

Application Form Side 1
UPPSC Form Side 1

UPPSC Form Side 2
UPPSC Form Side 2

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(NOTIFICATION) UPSC, IAS Civil Services Examination 2010 (PRELIMS)
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Posted: 06 Jan 2010 04:39 AM PST

AP Transco Assistant Engineer Written Test 2010 Syllabus | Electrical

Electric Circuits:
Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, star/ delta transformation; electromagnetic induction; mutual induction; ac fundamentals; harmonics, transient response of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two-port networks, three phase circuits, power measurement .
Electrical Machines:
Single phase transformer - equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency; three phase transformers - connections, parallel operation; auto-transformer; DC machines - types, windings, generator/ motor characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors; three phase induction motors - principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control; single phase induction motors; synchronous machines - performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications .

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Posted: 06 Jan 2010 04:35 AM PST

AP Transco Assistant Engineer Written Test 2010 Syllabus | Telecom

Network Analysis:
Kirchoff’s Laws, RC, RL & RLC Circuits, Initial conditions, Energy, Power, Instantaneous, max, average, RMS values of alternating currents, Phaser representation, transient and steady state analysis, Total response. Network analysis using Laplace Transforms, properties of Laplace transforms.
Fourier Series:
Continuous and discrete Fourier Transforms, z-transforms. Applications to signal Analysis. Convolution. Network Theorems and Applications. Two Port Parameters, Series, Parallel and Cascade connections of two port networks, Z, Y, ABCD Parameters, Network Functions, Poles and Zeros. Driving point and Transfer Functions, Image Parameters, Conventional LP, HP, BP, Band Stop Filters. Composite Filters, T, ╥ & Lattice Networks, Attenuators and Equalizers.
Electronic Devices & Circuits:
PN Junction, PNP, NPN Transistors. Biasing, Tunnel Diode, FET, UJT,SCR Characteristics, Various CB,CE,CC transistor Amplifiers – Analysis & Performance. RC coupled and push pull amplifiers, compensation techniques, Feedback, Negative feedback, oscillatorCircuits, Phase Shift Oscillator.
Digital Circuits:
Wave Shaping, multivibrators, Sweep Generators, Counters, logic Gates and Circuits, Number Systems, Codes, Error Detection and Correction. Sequential Circuits, Integrated Circuits OP Amps-Applications, IC Comparator Circuits, A/D, D/A Converters.
Linear Control System:
Open loop, Closed loop system, Signal Flow Graphs, Stability, Routh – Hurwitz and Nyquist Criterion, Bode plots, Gain-phase Margin, Lead-Lag compensation Techniques.

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(NOTIFICATION) UPSC, IAS Civil Services Examination 2010 (PRELIMS)
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AP Transco Assistant Engineer Written Test 2010 Syllabus | Civil

1. Strength of Materials:
Simple stresses and strains. Hooke’s law. Stress-strain curve for mild steel, elastic constants, compound bars, temperature stresses, strain energy, resilience, impact loading, SFD and BMD for simple cantilever and overhanging beams.
Centre of gravity and moment of inertia, bending and shear stress distributions. Theory of pure torsion, helical spring, thin and thick cylinders, analysis of trusses by method of joints and method of sections, combined direct and bending stresses, column and struts, deflection of beams-double integration, moment area and conjugate beam methods.
2. Reinforced Concrete:
Basic reinforcing materials, tests on cement and aggregates.
Structural concrete and its grades, workability tests and concrete mix design. Singly and doubly reinforced beams, working stress design of rectangular and flanged beams shear bond, development length and torsion in beams, one-way and two-way slabs, axially and eccentrically loaded columns, isolated and combined footings. Basic concepts of limit state design and its applications to the design of beams, slabs and columns.
3. Steel Structures:
Grades of steels, design of simple and compound beams, riveted and welded joints, riveted and welded connections’-eccentric framed and seated, simple and compound columns, slab and gusseted bases, grillage foundations, roof trusses, plastic analysis – plastic bending of beams, shape factor, plastic analysis theorems, and analysis of fixed, propped cantilever beams by static and kinematic methods.

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AP Transco Notification 2010 | Recruitment of Assistant Engineers

APTRANSCO (Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited) invites ONLINE APPLICATIONS for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Electrical - 233, Telecom - 11 and Civil - 11).
APTRANSCO Official Website:
Online Application Starts: January 05, 2010
Online Application Ends: January 25, 2010
Date of Examination: February 07, 2010
  • Electrical: 10 AM - 12 PM
  • Telecom: 02 PM - 04 PM
  • Civil: 02 PM - 04 PM
Breakup of Vacancies:
Zone Electrical Telecom Civil
Visakapatnam 47 1 2
Vijayawada 46 3 2
Kadapa 47 2 2
Hyderabad 47 3 3
Warangal 46 2 2
Total 233 11 11

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(NOTIFICATION) UPSC, IAS Civil Services Examination 2010 (PRELIMS)
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(Study Notes) Current Affairs: National/Social Issues: 27 Dec- 02 Jan 2010 By Dialogue India

(Current Affairs & GK)
By Om Prakash (goldy sir) 

Developing the western corridor
  • The project to build a Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) got the much-needed push, with the signing of two Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between the Japanese and Indian institutions.
  • the Japan Bank for International Cooperation has offered a $75 million loan facility to help establish a Project Development Fund to kick-start the project.
  • The DMIC project comprises a host of sub-projects for infrastructure development — for instance industrial estates, power plants, and logistics parks — which are to come up on either side of the proposed 1,483 km Delhi-Mumbai railway freight corridor.
  • The western rail freight corridor will link the Jawaharlal Nehru port and other ports in Gujarat to the industrial belts in the western, central, and northern regions extending up to New Delhi. A separate dedicated corridor to the east has also been planned by the Indian Railways, and the work on it was launched in February. The dedicated corridor is meant to focus exclusively on carrying freight, and the project, conceived in 2004-05, envisages 2,700 km of new freight lines and about 5,000 km of feeder lines.
  • The foundation stone for the rail corridor was laid by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh way back in October 2006. This Rs.22,000 crore project is expected to change the face of the western corridor, with the DMIC developing the entire hinterland.
India-Japan finalise action plan to advance security cooperation
  • India and Japan on Tuesday finalised an action plan to strengthen security cooperation, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his visiting Japanese counterpart Yukio Hatoyama signing a joint statement here.
  • They also identified nine areas of collaboration and reviewed economic cooperation especially in infrastructure development. Strengthening of collaboration on issues of common strategic interest; setting up of a strategic cooperation mechanism; increase in defence and coast guard cooperation, exchange of information to fight terrorism and other transnational crimes; cooperation at the U.N.; and cooperation on disarmament and non-proliferation were some of the areas earmarked for enhanced collaboration.
  • Japan offered to provide bullet train technology to the Indian Railways in its quest to build the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor project from Rewari in Haryana to Vadodara in Gujarat.
  • Both sides decided to work to conclude the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Act at the earliest. Twelve rounds of talks have been held so far.
  • The joint statement, which came at the end of the annual bilateral summit, expressed satisfaction at the deepening of the annual strategic dialogue between the Foreign Ministers as well as other policy dialogues and the desire to enhance exchanges in the defence field.
  • Under a new framework, a 2+2 dialogue at Sub Cabinet/Senior Official level was envisaged besides maritime security dialogue.India and Japan are among the nations that provide escort to merchant ships off the coast of Somalia to guard against pirate strikes.The action plan also includes joint exercise and meeting between the Coast Guards of both nations.
  • Both nations will hold annual bilateral exercise alternately off India and Japan, and if possible hold multi-lateral cooperation too. The Malabar 2007 exercise involves five navies — India, Japan, the United States, Australia and Singapore. The plan also envisages participation as observers in major army and air force exercises and passing exercises during ship visits.
Manmohan signals return to Vajpayee line on CTBT
  • Dr. Singh told Yukio Hatoyama during their discussions on Tuesday morning that there was as yet no national consensus on India acceding to the CTBT.
  •  But if the U.S. and China were to complete their ratification process, this would likely generate momentum within the country in favour of accession.
  • Since the CTBT cannot enter into force without the ratification of the U.S., China, India, Pakistan and a handful of other states, the Vajpayee-era formulation was seen throughout the world as an assurance that once Washington and Beijing became parties, New Delhi would follow, on the expectation that Islamabad and the other stragglers were quickly brought on board then.
Trade talks with Japan and China in January
  • high-level officials from India and Japan are likely to meet in the second week of January to take forward negotiations on inking a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
  • that negotiators would work on narrowing gaps in services and pharmaceuticals — areas of interest to India. However, Japan has several apprehensions about opening these sectors. (The Indian pharmaceutical industry, which gets 45 per cent of its $20-billion revenue from exports, is seeking market access in Japan that has a tough control regime for drug imports. Japan is also apprehensive about giving access to Indian professionals in services, which contribute about 55 per cent to the Indian economy.)
  • The talks for opening up of markets were launched in 2007 and officials on both sides have completed 12 rounds of talks.
  • According to Indian official figures, the two-way trade for 2008-09 stood at $10.6 billion, with imports accounting for $7.6 billion.Comparatively, India-China trade stands at over $40.6 billion.
  • India has signed market opening pacts with 10-member ASEAN bloc and Korea which will become operational from January 1.
                   Issues with china to be discussed
  • the widening trade deficit to over $20 billion with China ,India’s imports from China are over three times its exports to that country, according to the 2008-09 data.
  • India would also seek access for its fruits and vegetables in the Chinese market.
  • China, on its part, is likely to seek market economy status from India and may reiterate its concerns on India resorting to large number of anti-dumping cases against the neighbouring country.
13th Finance Commission report
  • Vijay Kelkar, Chairman of 13th Finance Commission, presents his report to President Pratibha Patil .
  •  Apart from the customary task of recommending a devolution formula for revenue sharing between the Centre and the States, the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) headed by Vijay Kelkar has drawn up a five-year roadmap for fiscal consolidation. Its recommendations will be reflected in the budget for 2010-11.
  • The report, Dr. Kelkar said, also dealt with “sharing of tax revenue between [the] Centre and States, distribution of funds among states and support to local bodies.”
  • Apart from taxation issues, the Commission has looked into other matters such as the growing off-budget expenditure — especially, oil bonds — which increase the government’s liability without getting reflected in the budgetary process.
  • The report has also dealt with more immediate issues such as the implications of environment and climate change, ways to improve outcomes and outputs of public expenditure, and the impact of GST on trade.
  • The Central taxes that have to be shared with the states include corporation tax, income tax, wealth tax, customs, excise duty and service tax.
  • Levies such as education and road cesses are not shared.
  • As per the Constitution, the TFC was set up in November 2007 and its term was up to January 2010 with a request to submit its report by December this year so as to give effect to its suggestions in the budget for 2010-11.
  • Besides Dr. Kelkar, other members of the Commission are: B. K. Chaturvedi, Indira Rajaraman, Atul Sarma and Sanjiv Misra.
An analysis by M Govinda Rao, director of (NIPFP), on Indian Fiscal Federalism
  • With the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) submitting its report to the President on Wednesday, all eyes are on Dr Vijay Kelkar and his team. Will the number 13 prove lucky for states? State governments must be hoping it will as the present system is highly skewed against them when it comes to sharing tax resources.
  • States raise about 34% of the consolidated tax revenues but incur 58% of the expenditure.
  • Further, even as states’ own revenues in total revenues declined to about 34% in 2008-09, their share in expenditure increased at a much sharper pace: from 51.7% in 1990-91 to 58.4% in 2006-07.
  • Unfortunately, higher spending did not result in higher autonomy or discretion in such decisions. Indeed, states’ autonomy in expenditure is less than suggested by the numbers. Reason? About 15% of the expenditure is incurred on specific-purpose transfers where matching requirements are to be made by the states for the centrally-sponsored schemes.Over the years, the importance of these schemes has increased manifold with the result that states spent about 20% of their expenditure on these schemes in 2000-01 against just 7% in 1985-86.
  • Worse, from the perspective of the states’ autonomy, since 2003-04, the Centre has been transferring funds directly to state-, district- and village-level implementing agencies rather than routing funds through the state budgets.

The net result is that vertical inequity has worsened. The story is no better when you turn to horizontal equity, i.e., between states. Inter-state disparities among general-category states are not only high but show an increasing trend.
  • In 1980-81, the per-capita state domestic product (SDP) in the richest state, Punjab, was about three times that of the poorest, Bihar. In 2006-07, this difference increased to almost five times, with per-capita SDP of Haryana, the richest state, at Rs 48,214 against Bihar’s — still the poorest! — at Rs 10,286.
  • Ironically, poorer states are also those with abundant natural resources, including minerals. Part of the reason is the out-dated and unfair royalty system that gave the benefit of the rich mineral resources to the Centre, even as states had to spend on related social and physical infrastructure. Hopefully, the new revised royalty rates will address some of this imbalance.
  • Nonetheless, the net effect is wide disparity in the provision of public services. Rao finds the per-capita spending on development expenditure has a significant and positive correlation with per-capita SGDP rather than with higher tax effort of the richer states, implying that the transfer system has not succeeded in offsetting fiscal disabilities that led to high inter-state disparities in development expenditure in the first place.
  • Sadly, over the years the role of the finance commissions has been weakened by three developments: expansion of its terms of reference to issues beyond tax devolution — the TFC is no exception — restrictions on its scope — limited to non-Plan revenue accounts — and the emergence of multiple and overlapping agencies in making transfers.
  • So, the capacity of the finance panels to achieve the desired degree of equalisation is increasingly constrained. The transfer system has also become more discretionary. As a result, finance panels are unable to take a holistic view on public service provision while recommending transfers.
  • This has led to a number of undesirable outcomes. One, there is a disconnnect between creation and maintenance expenditure, resulting in poor public delivery of services. Two, scientific formula-based transfers have given way to arbitrary and discretionary transfers.
AP only state to enhance jail term for molestation to 7 yrs
  • For all the outrage expressed over the miscarriage of justice in the Ruchika case, only three states have ever tried to plug the loopholes in the molestation law while Parliament has done nothing to fix them. And of those three states, Andhra Pradesh is the only one to have actually amended Section 354 IPC, when it enhanced the maximum sentence for molestation from two years to seven years and introduced a minimum term of five years
  •  Amendment that came into effect in 1991, added a proviso that only for “special reasons ” to be recorded by it can the court give a sentence of less than five years but not less than two years. Thus, the maximum punishment for molestation has been raised in AP alone to what is the minimum punishment throughout the country for rape (penile vaginal penetration). 
  • The next state amendment, made by Orissa in 1995, was however less ambitious. Without touching the language of Section 354, Orissa settled for an amendment to a CrPC schedule turning molestation into a non-bailable offence so that the court alone can release the accused on bail. 
  • Though the latest state amendment, made by Madhya Pradesh in 2004, increases the punishment for molestation to a maximum sentence of 10 years, it would not apply to cases like Ruchika’s . This is because the enhanced punishment has not been put in Section 354 but rather in a new one numbered Section 354A dealing exclusively with cases where the victims has been stripped naked in a public place. The MP amendment was in response to a spate of sexual atrocities in which poor women had been paraded naked. 
National Consumer Policy coming for uniform standards
  • In the face of imports posing a competition to domestic manufacturing, the government has decided to come up with a National Consumer Policy to ensure uniform national and international standards in the various arms of the Central and State governments, the regulatory bodies and on consumer fora, and to lay down the guiding principles of complaint resolution.
  • The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)will be the nodal agency for harmonising Indian and international standards.
  •  The proposed policy should cover empowering cosnumers through education and awareness, besides providing rights to consumers and mechanism for resolution of disputes.
    "An empowered consumer is also in the interest of industry, as he can impel the producers to provide larger choices, which will spur business to innovate and become competitive," the draft policy outlined. 
  • The policy proposes to open up competition in areas where government is the sole service provider.
President invited to World Tamil meet
  • The World Classical Tamil Conference to be held in Coimbatore in June.
  • A total of 1,244 delegates from different countries had confirmed participation.
Armed forces modernisation on track: Defence Ministry
  • Major achievements in the process in 2009 included the launch of the first indigenously developed nuclear powered submarine, INS Arihant, and the commissioning of INS Airavat, the third Landing Ship Tank designed for amphibious operations.
Delhiite is first Indian woman to ski to South Pole
  • Reena Kaushal became the first Indian woman to ski to the South Pole.
  • Ms. Kaushal, 38, settled in Delhi, made the historic ski-run as part of an eight-woman Commonwealth team that crossed a 900 km Antarctic ice trek to reach the South Pole to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth.
Kalasa-Banduri drinking water project
  • Related to Karnataka , project will get water from the decade-old Mahadayi water dispute between Karnataka&Goa.
  • the Union Water Resources Ministry had approved the karnataka Government’s proposal on Kalasa-Banduri project and had issued in-principle clearance. However, the Centre withheld it following protests from the Goa Government. Goa has also approached the Supreme Court on the issue.
Accident in BARC
  • The fire that broke out in the chemical laboratory of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai,
  •  the circumstances in which the two researchers met their end were a mystery.Two research students, Umang Singh of Mumbai and Partha Bag of Kolkata died in the fire that gutted the laboratory.
GSLV, PSLV flights put off
  • The launch of the Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-D3), scheduled for December 2009 from Sriharikota, has been postponed to March.
  • The GSLV-D3 will be powered by an indigenous cryogenic stage built for the first time by the Indian Space Research Organisation.
  • It will put in orbit a communication satellite, GSAT-4, which is not ready either.
  • The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), planned to be launched prior to the GSLV-D3 flight, has also been postponed. It will now take off in March to put in orbit Cartosat-2B; Alsat, a small satellite from Algeria; two nano-satellites from the University of Toronto, and another nano-satellite, Studsat (Students’ satellite), built by several Indian universities. The Cartosat-2B, to be built by the ISRO Satellite Centre in Bangalore, is also not ready.
  • Oceansat-2 was successfully launched on September 23, 2009.
  • The indigenous cryogenic stage, including its engine, has been built by the ISRO’s Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre at Mahendragiri near Nagercoil.
  • From 2001 to 2007, there have been five GSLV flights and these rockets used Russian cryogenic engines. This is the sixth GSLV flight, and it will use an indigenous cryogenic stage.
Bt brinjal: plea to Manmohan to withdraw report
    • Non-governmental organisations and individuals have urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to withdraw the report of the Expert Committee on Bt brinjal and reject the recommendation of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee for its commercial cultivation.
    • Charged it with succumbing to pressures from “political and vested interests.”
    • The groups pointed out that the chairperson of the committee had admitted on television that “genetically engineered food products will not be equal to the non-genetically engineered food products.”
    • Bt brinjal is the first-ever GM vegetable in the world.
UGC panel to look into dissections
  • Giving animal lovers a reason to rejoice,UGC has set up an expert committee to look into the possibility of banning dissection of animals for zoological experiments in colleges and universities.
  • The committee is chaired by H.A. Ranganath.
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Recruitment of Office Assistant at Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank

Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank (UBGB)
Head Office, Kalambagh Chowk, Muzaffarpur-842001
Recruitment of 399 Office Assistant / Clerk cum Cashier 2010
Application are invited for the jobs vacancy of Office Assistant (Clerk cum Cashier at Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank UBGI, Muzaffarpur, Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank is sponsored by Central Bank of India. Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank shall be in the districts of Araria, Katihar, Kishanganj, Darbhanga, East Champaran, Gopalganj, Madhepura, Madhubani, Muzaffarpur, purnea, saharsa, saran, sheohar, sitamarhi, siwan, supaul, west champaran and vaishali in the state of bihar. More details about Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank UBGI Jobs Vacancies are as follows:
  1. Office Assistant / Clerk cum Cashier
    Total Vacancies: 399,
  • Schedule Caste: 65
  • Schedule Tribe-05
  • Extreme Backward Class: 72
  • Backward Class: 48
  • Backward Class Women:12
  • General: 197
    TOTAL: 399
    Out of which
    PWD – 12, EXS – 40
Pay Scale: Rs. 4410 - 13210.
Age Limit: 18-26 years as on 01.12.2009 Relaxation as per Govt. rules

[ As on 01.12.2009 ]
  • Graduate degree from any recognized University
  • 10+2 or 10+2+3 pattern/11th standard of 11+3 pattern /pre-degree or intermediate or any equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates) in aggregate.
  • Pass with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates) in aggregate in Matriculation/senior School Certificate (old pattern) or equivalent.
  • Diploma in Banking recognized by State or Central Government /State Government or Union Territory.
For GEN / OBC : Rs.200/-
For SC/ST Candidates: Rs.50/-


The written test for the post of Clerk cum cashier ( Office Assistant ) will be held on Sunday, 21.03.2010

  • Last Date For Reciept of Application should be sent only by Ordinary Post to Post Box No. 18202, Dahisar (East), Mumbai -400 068 on or before: 25.01.2010 in a cover super scribed “Application for the post of Office Assistant Recruitment Project - 2010 and choice of centre for written examination Centre Code Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank………… .
  • Date Of Written Examination : 21.03.2010

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Posted: 06 Jan 2010 03:37 AM PST

BHEL Haridwar | Recruitment of Artisans

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
(Government of India Undertaking)
Central Foundry forge Plant (CFFP) Ranipur - Haridwar (Uttarakhand) 48129
Advt. No. 3/2009
Recruitment of 372 Skilled Artisans
BHEL, Haridwar, is looking for Artisans in the following trades:
  • Skilled Artisans : 372 posts (Electrician - 49, Fitter- 105, Machinist - 122, Turner - 63, Welder -33) (UR-234, SC-68, ST-17, OBC-53), Qualification: 10th pass and ITI and National Apprenticeeship Certificate (NAC) with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST, Age: 27 years, Pay Scale : Rs.4800-7805
How to Apply:  Apply Online on or before 16/01/2010 and send registration slip with desired application fee on or before 23/01/2010 to :
Manager (HR), Room No. 29, Recruitment Section,
Main Admn. Buliding, HR Department, HEEP,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Ranipur , Haridwar - 249403, (Uttarakhand)

For further information and online submission of application, Click on the following button.

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